Mecklenburg International Fashion Week is organizing an event in observance of mental health month in May 2023. Our organization’s mission is “To positively influence full broad-base citizen participation in mental health prevention through espousal, recommendation, training and services to address social-emotional challenges currently facing our nation”. This event which will run from 11th of May 2024 and is dedicated to prevention of substance use and promotion of mental health awareness.
I am writing this letter to invite you to be a co-sponsor or supporter of this event! As a leader in the community, your involvement with us in mental health prevention is an opportunity for you and your organization to join other individuals, organization, and coalitions in our county to educate, collaborate and address social-emotional problems that currently exist our communities and help promote behavioral health issues, promote preventive efforts and strengthen community partnerships.
The event is titled “You Are Not Alone”. The purpose of this event is to bring communities together and promote high quality, culturally competent information on mental health and services regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity or gender.
Community sponsorship are the primary source of funding for this event and will help ensure its success. You can provide support in the following ways:
• Be a co-sponsor or event supporter through a monetary donation. Your company logo will be placed on all the materials for event adverts and promotion.
• Donate the fund for the hall decoration (lights/stage)
• Sponsor the gala night. The prestigious venue of the event will be a home for your company logo and information’s.
• Sponsor the meet and greet with 200 VIPs invitee. Your logo will be on all the advert and promotional materials.
• Volunteer at the event
• Participate on our planning committee. Enclosed is a sponsorship form that gives information on sponsorship levels. Beyond your sponsorship, we welcome you to join us by participating in MIFW, 2024.
My heart is bursting with creativity and passion, and through my work I wish to pass that along to younger generation. Welcome to be part of this great event by taking up a sponsorship package as indicated. Since 2001 this has been my vocation, and this is the realization of a lifelong dream.
I’ve been keeping busy lately with these passionate projects, but I’m always looking for new opportunities. For information about collaborations and sponsorship, please be in touch.